The development of Bitcoin City will see the proactive involvement of prominent crypto companies including cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex and Adam Back’s Blockstream. Read Full Article at
The Bitcoin City will be located in South Eastern El Salvador near the oceanside Conchagua volcano. The government will provide land and infrastructure and work to attract investors. There is a new airport that will also be closeby. There should be abundant power available for the entire project from the volcano. President Nayib Bukele is clearly doubling down on his vision of freedom and empowerment for all the citizens of El Salvador and is using Bitcoin and foreign investment to achieve these goals.
From The only tax collected there will be the value-added tax, half of which will be used to pay the municipal bonds and the rest for municipal infrastructure and maintenance. Bukele said there would be no property, income or municipal taxes and the city would have zero carbon dioxide emissions.
The city would be built with attracting foreign investment in mind. There would be residential areas, malls, restaurants and a port, Bukele said. The president talked of digital education, technology and sustainable public transportation.
“Invest here and earn all the money you want,” Bukele told the cheering crowd in English at the closing of the Latin American Bitcoin and Blockchain Conference being held in El Salvador. For complete article, see:
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President Nayib Bukele Bitcoin GOAT - BitcoinVIP #20
— BriFitDance (@BriFitDance) September 13, 2021
Interview clip by @PeterMcCormack - If you believe #Bitcoin equals FREEDOM, please retweet! #bullbullbull #GOATGOATGOAT #BriFitDance #BitcoinVIP @nayibbukele #NayibBukele #ElSalvador #song #Bitcoinvolcano @Bitcoinbeach
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